It's Friday - What Can Possibly Go Wrong?
A weekly newsletter from Jodi Taylor
This week we have:
News and update from Jodi Taylor
Mutant Lemon by Jodi Taylor
A Reader’s Question: Alison Macdonald asks, “Will we get Adrian and Mikey's backstory?”
In History and Happening we have Harold Godwinson: The Last Crowned Anglo-Saxon King of England
Jodi Taylor Book Recommendation: Gobbelino London and a Worry of Weres by Kim M Watt
The Book of the Month is A Bachelor Establishment
There’s plenty to read this week and you can see everything new on the blog too. CLICK HERE for the blog.
Writing is a strange thing. When I self-published my first book, I had no idea it would lead to creating a community of the most amazing fans. I suffer terribly from imposter syndrome and regularly think it’s all been a dream but this week proved it’s real.
One of my readers posted on Facebook that she’d lost her house and all her signed Jodi Taylor books in the Los Angeles fire. Hazel contacted her and asked how we could help. She responded:
“Given my situation I think a Kindle would be best. Easiest way to have my library close in hand. I so desperately need an escape from reality and Jodi’s books never fail to deliver. Always an extraordinary adventure full surprises and gives plenty of laugh out loud moments.
Thank you so much for reaching out,
Hazel set up a GoFundMe appeal, which has already raised £1275. This money will be sent to Marie as an Amazon Gift card so she can buy a Kindle and fill it with books plus anything else she needs at this devastating time.
This has really demonstrated the ethos of St Mary’s: We’re St Mary’s, and we never leave our people behind. Thank you so much to everyone who donated.
And in other news – I’m having a photo shoot today. To which I am greatly looking forward. How could it go other than really well?
The annoying thing is that the previous set of photos were taken about eight years ago. Since then I’ve had long hair, short hair, a bob, and – during Covid lockdown – a haystack.
A couple of weeks ago I had it all chopped off and now, by a cruel twist of fate, I have exactly the same hair style as I did in the original photos. It just looks as if I’ve had the same style for years.
When I mentioned this to my family they advised me that the increasing number and depth of my facial wrinkles would more than indicate the passage of time.
So reassuring.
Mutant Lemon
A hapless author makes tea and discovers a mutant lemon…
Alison Macdonald asks, “Will we get Adrian and Mikey's backstory?”
Do you have a question for Jodi? Click on the comment button below
CLICK HERE to watch more Readers’ Questions videos
History and Happenings - click here to view more posts
Harold Godwinson: The Last Crowned Anglo-Saxon King of England
Harold Godwinson (c. 1022 – 14 October 1066), often known as Harold II, was England's last crowned Anglo-Saxon king. His reign, though short-lived, marked a pivotal moment in English history, culminating in the Battle of Hastings in 1066, which saw the end of Anglo-Saxon rule and the beginning of Norman dominance. Both political intrigue and military ambition shaped Harold’s life and reign, and his death on the battlefield left a lasting legacy that continues to influence British history.
Jodi Taylor Book Recommendation: Gobbelino London and a Worry of Weres by Kim M Watt
This is the fifth book in the Gobbelino London, PI urban fantasy series. It will appeal to anyone who likes their fantasy funny, modern, and filled with friendship rather than romance.
Have you enjoyed this book too?
The Book of the Month for January is A BACHELOR ESTABLISHMENT
With her signature humour and flair for character-driven storytelling, Jodi Taylor weaves a delightful Regency romance full of wit, warmth, and unexpected twists. A Bachelor Establishment is a heart-warming read, perfect for fans of historical romance with a dash of comedy.
CLICK HERE for more information and a video of Jodi talking about her inspiration, characters and the possibility of a TV series.
The Reading Companion and History Briefings eBook for Just One Damned Thing After Another. The eBook is 99p on Amazon
It contains:
A foreword by Jodi Taylor
Background information on the characters
History Briefings giving information on the four main jumps in the book
Floor plans of St Mary’s Institute for Historical Research
A list of British idioms and expressions
How to make tea like a Brit
A recipe for Toad in the Hole
A full series guide and reading order for The Chronicles of St Mary’s series
Would love to know more about Adrian&Mickey's backstory. Especially after reading Smallhope&Pennyroyal's book.
I'd love to have Hazel's companion to the first book, but I have a Kobo, not a Kindle, and Kobo don't seem to have it. Any chance they could have it? Alternatively, a proper book, with pages and everything! (Actually, I would prefer that as you can flick pages back and forth to check references in a "real" book.)