It's Friday - What Can Possibly Go Wrong?
A weekly newsletter from Jodi Taylor
This week we have:
The One With The Teacup by Jodi Taylor
Schrodinger’s Canada by Jodi Taylor
A Reader’s Question: Joe Tetsab asks, “What made you think America would be 'closed'?” Do you have a question for Jodi?
In History and Happening we explore The Lost Army of Cambyses: A Mysterious Chapter in Ancient History
Jodi Taylor Book Recommendation: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
The Book of the Month is A Bachelor Establishment
There’s plenty to read this week and you can see everything new on the blog too. CLICK HERE for the blog.
The One With the Teacup
Twenty thousand!
I’ve just noticed that Just One Damned Thing After Another is approaching 20,000 ratings and reviews on Amazon. To me this is astounding. Especially given that I had never set out to forge a career as a writer. As I think I’ve said before – after the experience with the school poetry competition and the whole cannibalism thing, I’d generally avoided writing over the years because it could get me into so much trouble. Remind me to tell you about the tree-fellers sometime
Anyway first things first – huge thanks to everyone who rated or reviewed my very first book. From now on we can blame you for everything.
As I’ve always said, I never set out to write a bestseller – far less one that went to number one on Amazon UK. I didn’t even know that could happen. I was living in Turkey at the time – Amazon didn’t deliver there – and Kindle was only just getting off the ground. Hard to believe now, isn’t it?
I wasn’t exactly isolated in Turkey – although there was a major civil disturbance happening more or less at the end of my street which I didn’t know anything about until a panicking friend in the UK emailed me to see if I was all right. Somewhat surprised by this concern for my well-being, I said yes, of course, why wouldn’t I be and was instructed – quite firmly – either to open the window or turn on the TV. I did both. Quelle surprise!
It's eleven years now since Just One Damned Thing After Another appeared, first as a self-published book and then under the umbrella of Accent Press. All hail Accent Press (an independent publishing company that was eventually sold to Headline).
And Just One Damned Thing After Another is still with us. Still up there in the Amazon Time Travel Top 100. Plucky little book!
I know it’s just a number but if it does reach 20K then I shall take down my oldest copy – the one with the teacup. Remember the tea cup? I loved the tea cups. All hail the tea cups – and give it an affectionate fondle.
And, once again, thank you all very much.
Schrodinger’s Canada by Jodi Taylor
A minor panic this morning. As opposed to the major panic last Sunday when, it would seem, I accidentally applied to emigrate to Canada.
I was having a bad day and I know we’re not supposed to be political, but let’s face it the lunatic actions of our political leaders worldwide make it very hard not to be. Anyway, something happened – can’t remember what now – and I snapped and decided to go and live in Canada. As you do.
Quite honestly I thought I’d be too old. New Zealand won’t even look at me and I thought Canada would be similar so I filled in a few details, ticked a few boxes, fired it off, felt better and forgot it. The next thing – my phone rang and when I picked it up, the screen said Canada.
Shit! What had I done?
Estelle Gow asks, What is a data stack and what does it look like?
Do you have a question for Jodi? Click on the comment button below
CLICK HERE to watch more Readers’ Questions videos
History and Happenings - click here to view more posts
The Lost Army of Cambyses: A Mysterious Chapter in Ancient History
In And the Rest Is History Max jumped to meet Ronan in the Libyan desert and unexpectedly encounters the Lost Army. This History Briefing explores the story of the Lost Army of Cambyses which has captivated historians and archaeologists for centuries.
The army, which belonged to the Persian king Cambyses II, vanished during an ill-fated military campaign in 524BCE. Despite numerous theories and extensive searches, the exact fate of the lost army remains unknown, and the disappearance of this vast force continues to spark intrigue and speculation.
Jodi Taylor Book Recommendation: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen 💙📚
Her radiant wit sparkles as her characters dance a delicate quadrille of flirtation and intrigue, making this book the most superb comedy of manners of Regency England. 💙📚
Have you enjoyed this book too?
The Book of the Month for January is A BACHELOR ESTABLISHMENT
With her signature humour and flair for character-driven storytelling, Jodi Taylor weaves a delightful Regency romance full of wit, warmth, and unexpected twists. A Bachelor Establishment is a heart-warming read, perfect for fans of historical romance with a dash of comedy.
CLICK HERE for more information and a video of Jodi talking about her inspiration, characters and the possibility of a TV series.
The Reading Companion and History Briefings eBook for Just One Damned Thing After Another. The eBook is 99p on Amazon
It contains:
A foreword by Jodi Taylor
Background information on the characters
History Briefings giving information on the four main jumps in the book
Floor plans of St Mary’s Institute for Historical Research
A list of British idioms and expressions
How to make tea like a Brit
A recipe for Toad in the Hole
A full series guide and reading order for The Chronicles of St Mary’s series
I have several different, very much loved, and read, editions of Pride & Prejudice, along with every Jane Austin book published, & have re-read them countless times over the years.
When I found another three books, with part of the titles being: Pride, Prejudice, and Zombies, by Stephen Hockensmith, though, I couldn't resist them.
I loved that he stuck fairly closely to Jane's wonderful story, but loved that he had all of the Bennet sisters trained from young girlhood, in swordsmanship, plus the use of a variety of other weapons, used to cause the destruction of what is referred to as the 'unmentionables', or Zombies! Lol
Some of the scenes were a little gory, but I have to admit that I laughed most of the way through the books - and could imagine, quite easily, if it had been Jane, herself, who might have written them! Lol