Hey, fellow rabbit-hole lovers!
Here’s something for you to get your teeth into.
What happened to those left behind at the original St Mary’s as Mrs Partridge whisked Max off to an alternate universe? With both Leon and Max dead, how did it affect the lives of those left behind?
The question was raised by Camille G on Goodreads and I must admit I found it fascinating. Downing tools, I spent a couple of hours staring out of the window, thinking What if …?
These are just my ramblings – sorry, jottings. I suspect I’ve barely scratched the surface. Please feel free to add your own comments or suggestions.
Dr Bairstow – I think he’d be distraught but it would be up to him to keep things together – which he would, shuffling personnel around to minimise the loss. In private though …
Mrs Partridge – She’d be very tight-lipped over Max’s removal to somewhere else. And she’s not telling her secret.
Tim Peterson – He’d be upset but at least he was able to say a final farewell to his best friend. He went on to marry Helen Foster and enjoy a happy if exciting domestic life.
Kalinda Black – would never go off to work for Thirsk. She was appointed Head of the History Department in Max’s place.
Helen Foster – survived to an irascible old age. Clive Ronan never killed her because Max wasn’t around to foil all his dastardly schemes.
Markham – interesting! Without Max to pull him out of the River Thames would he have died there? Or would Mrs Brown have rescued him as Camille suggested. Or what about Miss North who might have taken Max’s place on that assignment if only to keep an eye on her mother.
Even more interesting, if Markham wasn’t around to paint ‘R’ in the car park in Leicester, would Richard III’s remains ever have been found?
Would he have married Hunter? No Flora in that case? And what would have happened to all the many people he saved over the years? Or could you argue that without Max, life at St Mary’s would become considerably calmer and not nearly so many people would have needed rescuing?
Ian Guthrie – without Max to rescue Grey and Bashford he might well have ended his own life one Christmas Eve.
If he’d survived that then his life would probably have been much less interesting. Without Max Matthew would not have been born and would never have been snatched. There would have been no reason for him to pursue Clive Ronan and therefore wouldn’t have lost his eye and nearly his leg in 1204 Constantinople.
Without Guthrie, Evans would probably have become Head of Security.
David Sands – sadly died as the result of a car crash. No change.
Rosie Lee – might have gone on to form a relationship with Joe Nelson. With both Leon and Max dead would anyone ever have known. And remember there’s no Time Police in this universe. Yet.
Miss North – wouldn’t have joined the Time Police but without Max to mediate between her and Sykes there might, one day, have been a bit of a bloodbath. On the other hand, Peterson would probably have been their training officer and his more conciliatory nature might have rubbed off on them.
Dieter – would have become Chief Technical Officer. He’d still never have been a florist.
Bashford – would never have been rescued from Colchester along with Elspeth Grey. Both would have died.
Elspeth Grey – as for Bashford.
Isabella Barclay – Yeah – I got this one wrong. Sorry everyone – and thanks for pointing it out. Of course, she died before Max and so should not have been included
Extending the original time line past Leon's and Max's death, I could see the Teapot Teens showing up looking for help to find their time exploring parents who are trapped in a bubble. They become part of St. Marys adding innovation and joie de vivre to every adventure. Working with them gives Dieter something to live for and challenges Peterson to bring them in line. Dr. Foster takes them under her wing along with the stalwart ladies with tales from Battersea. Gutherie has a time getting them to take their physical training seriously when they can do so much better with their tech inventions. As for Markham, well he has to be rescued one way or another. Maybe Mrs Green becomes Dr. Bairstow's confidant and supporter. Of course, the bad guys seriously underestimate the Teens much to their dismay.
In the original timeline, Isabella Barclay died before Leon and Max.
In the second timeline, she killed Max at the time that Leon died in the original timeline, and she was still at St Mary's when Max went there with Leon. This suggests that events around everyone being lost in the Cretaceous went rather differently in the second timeline - presumably Max didn't give Barclay a reason to sack her and Barclay didn't get caught out on deliberately leaving people behind.
If I understand things correctly, then a younger Isabella Barclay had already killed Leon's first wife, (I am assuming this was in both timelines) meaning that she was already working for Clive Ronan at that stage of her life. Even if she got together with Leon in either timeline and became a happy and fulfilled person, etc, I can't see Clive Ronan letting her go - she's too valuable an asset for him. I'm afraid that there were always going to be tears before bedtime, so to speak, for Isabella.