Story Nine in the Reading Challenge is The Toast of Time. This is also available in The Most Wonderful Time of the Year. Please comment below when you've finished it.
Once again, the Toast of Time falls butter side down. Dr 'Max' Maxwell prepares for her very first Christmas away from St Mary's...
It's that most wonderful time of the year once more. But Max and Markham are a long way from St Mary's. What sort of Christmas will it be without their loved ones? Settle down with a mince pie and a small sherry and prepare for an unlikely combination of Flying Auctions, Fabergé eggs, duped Time Police officers, the Parish Council, a TWOCed Bentley (no, not that one), legendary swords and a belligerent ram. Will it be Peace and Goodwill to all men? Well, we all know the answer to that...
The stories in the challenge are:
I have read th all already. And most of them twice. Also listened to some of them
Another very enjoyable story. I also like my toast buttered into the corners!