Welcome to this week’s digest email. Here we have the exclusive cover reveal for The Ballad of Smallhope and Pennyroyal and an extract too. There’s plenty to read this week and you can see everything new on the blog too. CLICK HERE for the blog.
Tada! Here’s the gorgeous cover for The Ballad of Smallhope and Pennyroyal. I hope you love it as much as I do. CLICK HERE for an exclusive extract.
Meet Lady Amelia Smallhope, for whom there is no problem that can't be solved by a drink and a think.
And Pennyroyal, for whom there is no problem. Ever.
Everyone's favourite bounty hunters. Sorry - recovery agents.
No bad guy they can't handle. No expense account too flexible. No adventure too outrageous.
Join them as they settle scores, break every rule in the book and take the world by storm.
Fasten your seatbelts. The timeline doesn't know what's hit it.
Rachael Robinson asks “How did you come up with the Trojan horse theory, it totally blew me away, so clever.”
Click on the image below for Jodi’s answer…
Readers Questions and Answers - CLICK HERE to read more
The Tragic Fate of Pompeii: Unveiling Ancient Catastrophe
In A Trail Through Time by Jodi Taylor, Max and the team from the St Mary’s Institute for Historical Research jump back to Pompeii before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. CLICK HERE to read the History Briefing about this event.
History and Happenings - click here to view more posts
New notebook range available in paperback and hardback covers
Out this week - Storm Christopher. CLICK HERE to enjoy an extract read by Jodi Taylor
Join us on the Bosworth Jump
CLICK HERE for more information and ticket availability
Hello! This is a fun way for me to connect with my readers. Do you have a question you'd like to ask? Then please fire away! I'd love to know a bit more about you - imagine we're sitting down with a cup of tea and having a chat - did you bring biscuits?! This is available to paid subscribers only
CLICK HERE for more information