Mission Report from the Field: Ongoing Jump to 1973 to build animal shelters
By Ashley Mallion, Head of Maintenance and Building Services, The Multiverse of St. Mary’s
Please note: AI generated voiceover is added for accessibility and is not the voice of Ashley Mallion
Greetings from the funkiest year of all, 1973! This is Ashley Mallion, reporting from the field where our mission to build the Multiverse Unidentified Tails and Talons Suite (MUTTS) is in full swing. For those who are tuning in for the first time, our latest time-hopping endeavour has brought us back over 100 years to construct a specialized housing facility for the many and varied animals that belong to members of the Multiverse. (Our Multiverse is based in the late 21st Century thus negating the concern over 100 year rules).
The Crew and Our Partners
This time-traveling adventure is a true team effort. Alongside our usual contingent of Historians, Trainees (Pathfinders), Security, Kitchen Staff, Librarians, R&D folks, and even some Admin types to help with the inevitable paperwork, we've got a few new faces. The Time Police are here to ensure that things go smoothly and to prevent any temporal anomalies (like accidentally inventing disco a few years too early). We've also enlisted the help of local building contractors R.W. Stone & Sons, who have been absolute champs in adjusting to our somewhat unconventional needs.
Construction: 70s Style
R.W. Stone & Sons have been a delightful bunch, even if they occasionally give our equipment curious glances. The Pathfinders have embraced their roles as fetchers, carriers, and all-around helpers with gusto. I’ve never seen so many eager young people thrilled to lug around timber and bricks. Must be the charm of the bell-bottoms and tie-dye shirts we’ve all adopted to blend in.
A Minor Incident (Nothing to See Here!)
The work has been progressing smoothly, though we did have a tiny hiccup involving a representative from the local Society for the Custody of Ancient Buildings (SCAB). This well-meaning but somewhat meddlesome fellow came to inspect our work. He seemed very concerned about the historical integrity of the area, though how a newly built animal facility could harm ancient buildings is beyond me.
Our SCAB friend has since mysteriously disappeared. All we found was a lone shoe and part of his trouser leg. While the Time Police are confident that he simply got bored and wandered off, possibly distracted by a shiny penny or an intriguing daisy, we’re keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity. Perhaps he found himself an exciting new hobby, like bird watching or knitting.
Daily Grind in the Past
Life in 1973 is quite different from what we’re used to. Each day in your time equates to a month in ours, which means our updates might seem a bit spaced out. But rest assured, we’re working diligently to ensure MUTTS is ready for all our beloved creatures. The kitchens have been turning out some spectacularly authentic 70s cuisine, which is to say a lot of prawn cocktails, Black Forest Gateaux and fondues. Mmmm Cheese!
Progress and Return
As we send these monthly reports back home, we can confidently say everything is on track. The foundations are laid, the walls are going up, and the roof will be on in no time. If all goes according to plan, our team will return on 3/4 August (your time), and we’ll be able to unveil the brand-new, state-of-the-art (well, 1973 state-of-the-art) MUTTS facility.
Until then, keep those peace signs high, and don’t worry about our little hiccup with SCAB. We’re sure he’s just fine wherever he is. Probably.
Stay tuned for our next report, where I’ll share more tales from the field and perhaps some far-out 70s construction tips (spoiler: a lot of wood panelling). Peace, love, and time travel, my friends!
Warm regards,
Ashley Mallion Head of Maintenance and Building Services The Multiverse of St. Mary’s
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