Don’t panic! There’s no digest this week as we are away at the Bosworth event, but there will be full coverage of it next week, and the digest will return as normal. Please scroll down, though, for Jodi reading the Battle of Bosworth scene from What Could Possibly Go Wrong? and a new History Briefing about how the Hanging Gardens of Babylon Were Discovered in Nineveh.
Why not enjoy Jodi reading the Battle of Bosworth scene from What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Meanwhile please take time to read articles you may have missed in the ARCHIVE
You can also catch up with Jodi on her YouTube channel
This week’s History Briefing:
Unraveling the Mystery: How the Hanging Gardens of Babylon Were Discovered in Nineveh
In “A Symphony of Echoes” Max and the team from St Mary’s Institute of Historical Research jump back to Nineveh, Assyria hoping to discover the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
Here we explore the intriguing discovery of the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in the ancient city of Nineveh and the evidence that led archaeologists to this ground-breaking conclusion.