This week, we have:
An update from Jodi - and her adventures at Discworld
This week’s History Briefing is about The Relationship Between Julius Caesar and Cleopatra
A History of Mankind is a recommended Subtack read
A joke from the Silly Sunday thread in the Fans & Readers Facebook group
There’s plenty to read this week and you can see everything new on the blog too. CLICK HERE for the blog.

Those of you paying attention – to say nothing of those whose memory goes back longer than twenty minutes – will remember that at the last Discworld Convention two years ago, I signed a cheese. Yes, somewhere out there is, literally, a Babybel with my name on it.
You wouldn’t think things could get any more bizarre, would you, but you’d be wrong. So, so wrong.
Today – I signed a dog. An actual, living, breathing and very good-natured dog. With Jodi Taylor scrawled across its backside. What sort of legacy is that to leave the literary world?
His name – and I kid you not – was Book. It was, therefore, a Book signing.
We really need a groan emoji, don’t we?
Anyway, as you’ve probably already gathered, I’ve been to Discworld. Four days of madness, fun, laughter, confusion, alcohol and dog-signing, all celebrating the life of the late, great, Sir Terry Pratchett.
I met what seemed like hundreds of people – most of them old friends, and made lots of new ones as well. The costumes were out of this world. So imaginative and beautifully made. I was constantly amazed at the creativity.
One of the biggest treats for me was the chance to meet Caimh McDonnell in person. We shared the stage for several events – most memorably Which Five Books Would You Take To Your Desert Island? Years ago, on the off-chance I’d ever be interviewed by Oprah, I actually made a list of ten books I thought would make me look intelligent and intellectual and not only could I not remember any of them, I couldn’t even recall the title of any book I’d ever read. Ever.
For those interested in my panic-stricken choices – Lord of the Rings, because not only do you get a lot of book for your buck, but its size makes it a useful weapon when fighting off cannibals. Followed by Snow Crash by Neal Stephenson, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, and Altered Carbon by Richard Morgan. I can’t remember my fifth choice. I should perhaps make it clear that’s because of stage-fright, not alcohol.
And they trusted me to be a judge for the Maskerade – a spectacular event which is not quite a talent competition and not quite fancy dress but a mixture of the two. The standard was fantastically high and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. The winner, Jenny Greenteeth, a green, ghoulish river-monster, singing about eating people was the highlight of my evening.
I’d like to take this opportunity to offer up huge thanks to everyone involved in the organisation of this massive and complicated event. They worked so hard to make it such fun and it’s not their fault the hotel’s air conditioning packed up on the hottest day of the year. And that was only one of the many, many crises they managed to overcome.
Sadly, it’s all over now for another two years and I need to fire up my laptop and start work again, but while I’m on the subject, don’t forget JodiWorld next May. I’ve had a brief glimpse of the programme and it’s looking even more exciting than last time.
The Relationship Between Julius Caesar and Cleopatra: A Historical Overview
In Roman Holiday, the team from St Mary’s jumps back to Rome in 44 BC. This History Briefing explores the relationship between Julius Caesar, the Roman general and statesman, and Cleopatra VII, the last active ruler of the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Egypt. It is one of the most intriguing and significant alliances in ancient history. Their partnership, both romantic and political, had far-reaching implications for the Roman Republic and the future of the Mediterranean world.
In 48 BC, during the Roman Civil War between Julius Caesar and Pompey the Great, Caesar pursued Pompey to Egypt after the latter's defeat at the Battle of Pharsalus. Cleopatra, embroiled in her own struggle for the Egyptian throne against her brother Ptolemy XIII, saw an opportunity to form an alliance with Caesar.
Cleopatra's introduction to Caesar is legendary. Seeking to avoid detection by her brother’s forces, she famously had herself smuggled into Caesar's presence rolled up in a carpet (or, according to some accounts, in a linen sack). This dramatic entrance not only captivated Caesar but also marked the beginning of their alliance. Cleopatra's charm, intelligence, and political acumen impressed Caesar, and they soon became lovers.
History and Happenings - click here to view more posts
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The entire history of mankind, in regular installments. Not just European stuff, but the history of all mankind, from the Americas to Sub-Saharan Africa & Oceania
Enjoy a joke from the Silly Sunday thread from the Facebook Fans and Readers group.
This one is very Markham…
Doctor: you've a disease. I have some good news and some bad news.
Patient: Tell me the good news first.
Doctor: they're probably going to name it after you....
Guest posts: Do you want to share something on Jodi's Substack blog?
It could be about historical costumes, places or something for Controversy Corner. Those are just a few ideas but others are welcome. The articles are usually about 500 words and need at least one picture.
If your article is published you'll get a free annual subscription worth £50. This entitles you to the writing masterclass, chat room, and free eBook of the Reading Companion and History Briefing for Just One Damned Thing After Another.
Please email Hazel at with your ideas. The article will appear on the blog and in the Friday digest email.
The Reading Companion and History Briefings eBook for Just One Damned Thing After Another. The eBook is 99p or FREE for subscribers.
It contains:
A foreword by Jodi Taylor
Background information on the characters
History Briefings giving information on the four main jumps in the book
Floor plans of St Mary’s Institute for Historical Research
A list of British idioms and expressions
How to make tea like a Brit
A recipe for Toad in the Hole
A full series guide and reading order for The Chronicles of St Mary’s series
Available in both epub and PDF formats. You can also download full-size images of the floor plans.