This week we have:
Jodi and Zara Ramm together in Gloucester
This week’s History Briefing is about Frost Fair of 1683: A Frozen Spectacle on the Thames
A joke from the Silly Sunday thread in the Fans & Readers Facebook group
Pre-order is now available for Out of Time
Website news
There’s plenty to read this week and you can see everything new on the blog too. CLICK HERE for the blog.
Imagine my delight when I discovered I lived quite close to the brilliant Zara Ramm. Close enough to have a gossipy lunch occasionally. Which is where I’ve been today – and this time with Hazel, as well. There was alcohol, wit, brilliant conversation, alcohol, penetrating insight, sparkling bon mots, and alcohol. And that’s just the bits I remember. Definitely a bright spot in an otherwise dreich and dreary day.
I’m not sure what dreich is but it seemed appropriate so I’ve shoved it in. Apparently it’s Gaelic, so a nod over the border.
Speaking of nods over the border – a different border this time – close questioning of Zara has elicited the fact that she can speak Welsh. Actually, she says she can’t but I heard ‘yes’ in answer to my question which is good enough for me. It seemed an appropriate moment to mention that a large part of Out of Time takes part in Wales. And she can sing, as well. Told you she was brilliant. There’s a lot of singing in Out of Time, although Headline have refused to publicise it as Time Police – the Musical.
A bit of a shame I think everyone will agree. Actually, I think I need a cup of tea. I’m going to go and sit down for a bit. Happy weekend …
love Jodi x
PS: there was so much alcohol that Hazel forgot to take a photo!
History and Happenings - click here to view more posts
Frost Fair of 1683: A Frozen Spectacle on the Thames
In “A Trail Through Time” by Jodi Taylor, Max and the team from the St Mary’s Institute of Historical Research jump back to the Frost Fair of 1683 to try and avoid the Time Police.
Here we explore this extraordinary event which provided Londoners with a unique opportunity to celebrate amidst the icy landscape, giving rise to one of the most memorable spectacles in the city's history. The winter of 1683 was exceptionally cold, with temperatures plummeting far below freezing for an extended period. As a result, the River Thames, the lifeline of London, froze over to an unprecedented extent. The thick layer of ice spread across the river, effectively halting maritime traffic and creating a surreal scene in the heart of the city.
Hone Your Creative Writing With Jodi’s First Editor
Every editor has them: the manuscript they clear their schedule for, the one that transports them out of the office and takes them somewhere far, far away. Jodi’s books were the first to do that for me. I started working for Jodi’s original publisher, Accent Press, in 2013 at the age of 22. I was freshly graduated from university and determined to become an excellent editor with an impressive list, and my professional wardrobe consisted of my least greyed pair of black jeans and some blouses I’d borrowed from my housemate.
Back then, Hazel Cushion sent me the Chronicles of St Mary’s series to work on, and I’ve never felt a first line applied to me more than ‘There have been two moments in my life when everything changed.’ For Madeleine Maxwell, it was when Mrs De Winter gave her a history assignment instead of expelling her, and when she invited her to interview at St Mary’s Institute of Historical Research. For me, it was when I saw a friend online share an editor’s position at Accent Press, and when I opened Just One Damned Thing After Another for the first time. I’ve always been a history nut, and spend my free time in a medieval re-enactment society – which is the achievable version of ‘Investigating major historical events in contemporary time’. I never stood a chance.
Enjoy a joke from the Silly Sunday thread from the Facebook Fans and Readers group.
Thanks to Justin Lynch for this one…
This morning I was walking down thw street, and then I was hit by a violin, then a clarinet and then a french horn.
It was an orchestrated attack!
The nail-bitingly tense, rib-crackingly funny new TIME POLICE mission from the million-copy bestselling author of THE CHRONICLES OF ST MARY'S.
The Time Police are accustomed to jumping to the past. This time, however, the past has come to them.
What connects a dead dinosaur with Romulus the founder of Rome, a shocking cover-up at TPHQ and a plot to murder the Princes in the Tower?
The Time Police are determined to find out, helped - and occasionally hindered - by a wayward member of St Mary's and a recently reunited Team 236. Each in their own unique way, obviously.
As if all that wasn't enough - something somewhere in the Timeline is wrong. Very, very wrong. What is the Time Map trying to tell them?
Can the Time Police find the answers before Time runs out?
The current Jodi Taylor website will be closing on December 31st. Jodi will continue to write on her Substack blog and send the weekly Friday email.
Karin Mallion who runs Jodiworld will be launching a new merchandise site next year before the Jodiworld Convention. I'll be working closely with Karin to help her develop the new site and we will transfer over any pre-orders for Bad Moon. Please don't hesitate to email me if you have any questions on Many thanks, Hazel
The Reading Companion and History Briefings eBook for Just One Damned Thing After Another. The eBook is 99p or FREE for subscribers.
It contains:
A foreword by Jodi Taylor
Background information on the characters
History Briefings giving information on the four main jumps in the book
Floor plans of St Mary’s Institute for Historical Research
A list of British idioms and expressions
How to make tea like a Brit
A recipe for Toad in the Hole
A full series guide and reading order for The Chronicles of St Mary’s series
Available in both epub and PDF formats. You can also download full-size images of the floor plans.